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4 Reasons You Might Need a Tooth Extraction

November 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — infinitesmiles @ 7:54 pm
illustration of tooth being extracted

Toothaches are never any fun to deal with. They can make it hard to work, sleep, eat, and just make it through the day. There are a variety of things that can cause a toothache, which may warrant the need for n extraction. Though pain is a common sign that you may need to get a tooth pulled, extractions are done for a range of reasons. Read on to learn about four reasons other than pain that may warrant the need for a tooth extraction.

Reason #1: Decay & Infections

Overindulging in sweet and starchy foods and drinks paired with an improper oral hygiene routine may lead to you developing cavities. If this decay is left untreated, it can worsen until an infection develops. Tooth infections often cause intense pain and discomfort, but this isn’t always the case.

In fact, this might be a sign that the infection has made its way into the pulp, which is the innermost part of the tooth. This is where the nerves are located, and a lack of pain may be a sign that they’ve become damaged. Leaving this infection unchecked will allow it to continue worsening and potentially entering the bloodstream and causing issues in the lungs, heart, and other parts of the body. Though a root canal will be done if the tooth can still be saved, it will need to be pulled if it’s too far gone.

Reason #2: Overcrowding

Some patients have overcrowded teeth, which means that their pearly whites are too close together. This can be caused by having a smaller jaw that can’t comfortably hold a full set of teeth. The more impacted a smile becomes, the more uneven a person’s bite will be. This will affect the look of their teeth and their ability to easily clean their smile. Tooth extractions may be necessary to make enough space before undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Reason #3: Gum & Bone Loss

Gum disease is an infection that’s often caused by improper oral hygiene. Gingivitis, which is the first stage of gum disease, is usually easy to treat and even reverse with proper brushing and flossing. When left untreated for too long, it can advance into a worse infection called periodontitis. This can lead to loose teeth, gum recession, jawbone erosion, and tooth loss. In some cases, you may also need to have loose or damaged teeth pulled.

Reason #4: Preventive Extractions

Sometimes, certain teeth may pose a risk to your future oral health. This can include teeth that haven’t grown in properly, such as impacted wisdom teeth, which can place too much pressure on the rest of your teeth. This can develop into several issues, such as infections and dental abscesses. To prevent further complications or damage, your dentist may extract your wisdom teeth.

Just because you don’t feel any pain doesn’t mean that you don’t need to have a tooth extracted. When in doubt, ask your dentist for more information so they can explain how having a tooth pulled will benefit your beam!

About the Author

Dr. Mark Gaches and his team at Infinite Smiles Dentistry are here to help patients keep their smiles healthy and bright. They take pride in helping people care for their pearly whites and avoid oral health issues. If you need a tooth extraction, they will explain the way it benefits your oral health so you’re comfortable that it’s the best choice for your smile. To make an appointment or for more information, call Infinite Smiles Dentistry’s office at (918) 928-2383 or visit their website.

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