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4 Myths About Tooth Extractions, Debunked!

December 23, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — infinitesmiles @ 11:31 pm
patient speaking to dentist about having tooth extracted

Has your dentist recently told you that you need to have a tooth extracted? Though there are several reasons why this is beneficial to your oral health, many people fear having this procedure done. The main reason for this is that so many people have heard myths about getting teeth extracted that they believe to be true. To help ease some of your anxieties about this procedure, read on as we debunk 4 myths about tooth extractions.

Myth #1: Recovering from a Tooth Extraction It Takes a Long Time

One popular myth about tooth extractions states that the healing process takes a long time. Fortunately, it only takes most patients around a week or two for the socket where the tooth used to be to heal up. Be sure to follow the aftercare instructions that your dentist gives you. This will ensure that you heal properly and quickly.

Myth #2: Tooth Extractions Are Painful

Tooth extractions have gained an unfair reputation for being incredibly painful. Because of this, many people are afraid of getting this procedure. This can cause them to put it off for as long as possible, which allows their oral health issues to continue getting worse.

Before your dentist begins the procedure, they will numb the area to keep you from experiencing any discomfort. This means that the procedure is virtually painless. You can also ask them about dental sedation to help easier nerves during treatment. If you experience some mild discomfort after having the tooth pulled, you can take over-the-counter pain relievers to help alleviate it.

Myth #3: There’s No Need to Replace an Extracted Tooth

After getting a tooth extracted, you may think that that’s the end of things. In reality, this isn’t the case. Once a tooth is pulled, you will need to have it replaced. This is because you may develop new oral health issues if you neglect to do so.

For example, the surrounding teeth may begin shifting to fill in the gap. This can cause your smile to become crooked and your remaining teeth to become weaker due to uneven distribution of pressure. As a result, they may break or fall out. Your jawbone will also begin to erode since there’s no longer a tooth in that area to provide it with adequate stimulation. Speak with them about having the tooth replaced so that you can prevent these issues.

Myth #4: Only Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Extracted

This myth is untrue for a few reasons. For one, not all wisdom teeth need to be extracted. Some people’s wisdom teeth grow in straight and don’t create any issues, which means that they won’t need to be pulled. Some wisdom teeth are impacted or create other issues for your smile that make extraction the best option. There are reasons why other teeth may need to be pulled, such as:

  • Decay
  • Gum loss
  • Infection
  • Bone loss
  • Prevention of future oral health issues
  • Overcrowding
  • Impacted teeth

Though myths about tooth extractions have spread like wildfire over the years, the above information should help ease your worries. If your dentist says you need a tooth pulled, have it done as soon as you can to help get your smile back on track!

About the Author

People living in Owasso and the surrounding communities can trust their oral health in the hands of Dr. Mark Gaches and his kind, highly qualified team of oral health professionals at Infinite Smiles Dentistry. They are here to help you take care of your pearly whites and can debunk myths about tooth extractions and other treatments. To set up an appointment or to learn more, call their office at (918) 928-2383 or visit their website.

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